Pool Hours:  6:00A.M. to 11:00P.M. daily

The RMPGHHA Pool Area is for the  use and enjoyment of residents of  RMPGHHA and their guests.  We need the cooperation of all Members to make this area fun, safe, and sanitary for everyone.  Members must advise their children and guests of rules and safety precautions.  When using this area, all Members and their guests agree to observe the following rules at all times.


  • Dial 911 for EMS, fire, or police emergency.
  • Use of pool facilities is at your own risk.
  • For your safety, do not swim alone.
  • The Association and/or its Board of Directors assume no responsibility for accident or injury.


Violation of these pool rules may be cause for revocation of pool privileges and/or fines to the Homeowner at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


  1. This facility is for use by Randol Mill Park Garden Homes HOA members and guests only. Owner/resident must remain with guests and minor children (14 years of age and younger) in the pool area at all times.  No exceptions.
  2. The pool cannot be reserved exclusively for private parties. Residents with 10 or more guests must register with the Board member in charge of rentals prior to using the facility.  Failure to do so may result in all participants being asked to vacate the pool area immediately.
  3. The pool gates may not be propped open or otherwise rendered inoperable. Texas Department of State Health Services rules for swimming pools prohibit propping open pool gates.  No jumping over the fence.
  4. Pool entry is by key only at the north or south gates. There is a $50 fee for pool key replacement.  Poolside restrooms are to remain locked at all times.  Adults should accompany minor children to the restrooms.
  5. The Association is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.
  6. No wet swimsuits, clothing are allowed in the clubhouse.
  7. Infants must wear appropriate diapers while in the pool.
  8. No pets are allowed in the pool area.
  9. No bikes, skates, scooters, skateboards, or large water guns are allowed in the pool area.
  10. No motorized vehicles are allowed in the pool area except those that assist the physically challenged.
  11. Only proper swimming attire is allowed. No cut-offs.  No metal objects are allowed in the pool.
  12. No glass containers are allowed in the pool area. Texas Department of State Health Services rules prohibit glass containers in the pool area.  No

food is allowed in the pool.

  1. No running, horseplay, fighting, dangerous conduct, profanity, or noise disturbing the other members or guests is allowed. Diving is not permitted.
  2. No electrical devices may be used in or around the pool area. The volume of music should be kept at a minimum level.
  3. No smoking or other tobacco products are allowed in the pool area. This rule is mandated by the City of Arlington, Code Enforcement Division, effective 2006, and supersedes all others.
  4. Any person who is under the influence of drugs or alcoholic beverages and/or otherwise causing a nuisance, may be asked to leave the pool area immediately and pool privileges may be revoked.
  5. No person who has a communicable disease may use the pool.
  6. Dispose of trash in proper receptacles. Homeowners shall be responsible for paying for clean-up expenses, repair costs, or damages they or their guests cause.
  7. Do not remove or alter safety equipment (except in the case of an emergency).
  8. The pool is closed during rain or inclement weather.



Residents should feel free to ask others to cease any violations of these rules, or report any rule violations to a member of the Board of Directors.



