Guidelines for Contractors

(1) No work may begin before 8:00 a.m. This is a city ordinance as well as a neighborhood restriction.

(2) Vehicles belonging to the construction crew cannot impede traffic on neighborhood streets.  Neighbors’ vehicles as well as emergency vehicles, postal trucks and city sanitation trucks must have unobstructed passage.  Contractors’ vehicles parked on both sides of the street limit access. Driveways cannot to be blocked. 

(3) Construction trailers/dumpsters must be parked in the owner’s driveway. Trailers/dumpsters are to be on premise for as short a time as possible, and moved when no longer needed. 

(4) Building materials are to be stored out of sight, and the front yard and area are to be cleaned up of all debris at the end of each workday. 

(5) Any damage to yards or common areas must be repaired as soon as possible.   

(6) Contractors are to make every effort to avoid disturbing or inconveniencing neighbors.  No loud music is allowed.
